Helena Thwaites Helena Thwaites

Business networking tips – how to conduct effective 121 meetings

121 meetings often take place after attending a business networking group or event. They are an informal meeting between two people with the aim of exploring synergies, reciprocal business opportunities, getting to know someone better and/or spending quality time together. When done effectively they can be very productive.

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Helena Thwaites Helena Thwaites

Do I need presentation skills for a business networking event?

Presentation skills are an important element to have in your capabilities when looking to showcase your organisation at a business networking event. However, the confidence, knowhow, and experience to give good presentations, and to comfortably stand up in front of an audience does not come easily to everyone.

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Helena Thwaites Helena Thwaites

Elevator pitches – what are they and how do they work?

An elevator pitch is a short, simple and direct speech which is often used to provide brief details about yourself, your company, background and experience. They are used regularly in networking meetings by attendees to describe their business through a quick and concise introduction and are a way for business owners and professionals to market themselves effectively in a short amount of time.

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Helena Thwaites Helena Thwaites

Getting started with business networking?

Business networking provides a platform for local businesses to meet others who share the same profession or industry and have similar interests. By joining a group and surrounding yourself with positive and optimistic entrepreneurs, becoming part of a networking group is invaluable.

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