Business networking tips – how to conduct effective 121 meetings

This article provides a simple explanation on how to conduct effective 121 meetings. 121 meetings are a key tool of business networking, and offer the opportunity to dedicate specific time to connect and discuss business opportunities, new ideas and to build professional relationships.

What is a 121 meeting?

These meetings often take place after attending a business networking group or event. They are an informal meeting between two people with the aim of exploring synergies, reciprocal business opportunities, getting to know someone better and/or spending quality time together. When done effectively they can be very productive.

Why have 121 meetings after your business networking event?

Whilst there is opportunity to get to know people at your business networking event, 121 meetings are designed to allow people to meet away from the event itself, and to take extra time to build upon the initial connections made. You can take the time to have a 121 meeting over a hot drink, perhaps away from the office where you can learn more about each other’s services, what your ideal clients look like, how you may be able to help and support one another to make valuable recommendations and introductions.

How do you structure a 121?


Think about what you would like to learn about the other person and their business? Look at their website or social media in advance. What are the key pieces of information you would like to share about you and your business? It is recommended to prepare in advance of your 121 meeting and think about why people buy from you, and what makes your business different, how are you able to help your clients? Having an idea of the types of questions you would like to ask can be helpful so you remain engaging and can build rapport.

Get to know the person

Talk about what you enjoy doing, include your hobbies, career, family etc. finding common interests is a great foundation for a good 121 meeting. Be curious and ask questions – expressing an interest in someone and their business is a good way to make the person feel comfortable and from this you can begin to build a relationship.


Listening is one of the most underutilised communication skills as people can often be too busy concentrating on getting their point across than listening to the reply. Try to maintain eye contact and take equal times to speak without interruptions. By summarising what has been said in the meeting shows you have been actively listening and paying attention – which shows genuine interest and goes a long way to establishing trust.

Value time

If the meeting must finish at a certain time, be mindful of this and if you have not yet asked everything you had planned, no worries – it is a great excuse for a follow up 121 in the future.


The 121 meeting provides a good place for you to get to know one another well. The interaction can be very positive and leave the other person feeling confident in your abilities and behaviour as a businessperson, so they feel you are reliable and they can refer potential clients or business connections to you.

Follow up

Do what you say you will and follow up. It is important that if you have offered to do something like make an introduction or send information by email, make sure you do it. If you have a great 121 meeting, schedule another 121 for 6-10 weeks’ time so you can continue to get to know one another. Successful lasting relationships are built on a foundation of trust.

We hope this article on how to conduct effective 121 meetings was helpful. Find out more about that networking group and our members.


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