Getting started with business networking?

This article provides a simple introduction to the basics of business networking for anyone new to the subject. In summary, business networking is the process of making connections with other professionals and business owners. It can be done face to face by attending groups, events, and conferences, sometimes by phone/email, or by using online social and business networking platforms. The aim is often the same – to build long-lasting working relationships from these interactions and to create new business opportunities.

Definition - what is business networking?

Networking definition: noun – “the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.” Business networking is a tool to help build trusted and mutually beneficial relationships with other business owners, clients and/or customers.

How does business networking work?

Business owners will often join a business networking group in their local area, and use it as a platform to meet others looking to grow their businesses. By joining a business networking group and surrounding yourself with other focused business owners can be invaluable. Business networking can provide access to a pool of experts and like-minded individuals who can enable you to exchange business ideas, reach new customers, increase brand profile and create new business opportunities.

How do you make business networking successful?

Business networking works well when you approach it with a positive attitude, openness to meet new people, and an aim to learn new things. Business networking is a great place to share experiences, offer advice and knowledge, and help someone to overcome a business issue. Become a trusted and professional support to your connections and you will make business networking successful.

What are the benefits of business networking?

Business networking is an affordable and cost-effective marketing tool, and a well-nurtured business network can help in so many ways.

  • Connections – expand your network and strengthen relationships

  • Produce new leads & increase sales of your products/services

  • Share your knowledge and learn from the experience of others

  • Increase confidence and develop communication skills

  • Find a new job opportunity and advance your career

  • Access good talent - hire new employees for your team

  • Improve upon a business strategy

  • Support others to achieve goals

  • Find solutions to business issues

  • Get new perspective and insight to your business

What should you to bring to a business networking event?

A few essential items are recommended to take when attending a business networking event. Most people start with business cards, a notepad and pen. It is helpful to think of an ‘ice-breaker’, perhaps even a conversation starter or a relatable story that can attract attention, build rapport and lead to a further discussion. Businesses are encouraged to bring along any promotional and marketing literature to help promote their company.

We hope this article on the basics of business networking was helpful. Find out more about that networking group and our members. Alternatively you can read more business networking articles, or go to that marketing company for small business sales and marketing support.


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